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Self Esteem; A Social Vaccine


The term "self-esteem" originates from a Latin word with the meaning of "estimate," representing the assessment of our achievements in relation to our potential. It encompasses our perceptions of ourselves and is influenced by factors such as age, gender, socio-economic status, and body image. While definitions of self-esteem may vary in scope and complexity, it reflects our capacity to navigate life's challenges.

Individuals possessing adequate self-esteem tend to value and appreciate themselves, steering clear of detrimental activities like child abuse, drug abuse, violence, and crime. They exhibit humility without arrogance, discerning the distinction between assertiveness and aggression. In the case of young girls, high self-esteem correlates with a reduced likelihood of early pregnancy.

Conversely, low self-esteem engenders negative thoughts and erodes confidence, correlating directly with unhappiness, depression, and insecurities.

When I experienced a low self-esteem in my younger years there was a constant ringing of a critical inner voice that undermined, judged and ridiculed every action of mine that impacted my decision-making abilities. There were mental blocks. But to my surprise low self-esteem also had a positive facet. Soon I realized the fact that it had a potential to drive me to overcome complexes and inferiorities, motivating the development of my strengths or my unique attributes.

Fostering self-esteem contributed to building resilience, enabling me to rebound from many kinds of adversities and embrace an active life.

Acknowledging weaknesses, refraining from underrating oneself, forgiving mistakes, and finding humour in self, rather than others, are essential components of cultivating self-esteem.

I could realize that human worth extends beyond superficial attributes such as intelligence, beauty, or a perfect body. It is imperative not to allow self-esteem to plummet. Creating a positive aura, infused with the right dose of self-esteem, involves celebrating one's existence and embracing life with gratitude.

Some researchers have likened self-esteem to a "Social Vaccine," endowing individuals with empowerment and safeguarding them against self-destructive thoughts and behaviors. The term "self-esteem as a social vaccine" suggests that having a healthy level of self-esteem can function as a protective factor against various negative social outcomes. This metaphorical comparison is rooted in the idea that individuals with strong self-esteem possess a kind of immunity against detrimental effects in the social realm, much like a vaccine provides protection against certain diseases.

Individuals with high self-esteem are often more resilient to external pressures and negative influences. They may be less likely to succumb to destructive behaviors, such as drug abuse, violence, or engaging in criminal activities.

People with a positive self-image are more likely to make constructive life choices. This can include avoiding risky behaviors and making decisions that contribute to personal well-being and societal harmony.

Healthy self-esteem is associated with lower vulnerability to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. This mental resilience can contribute to better overall social functioning.

Individuals with a positive self-concept often engage in healthier and more positive interpersonal relationships. This can contribute to social harmony and the creation of a supportive social network.

Research suggests that individuals with low self-esteem may be more prone to criminal behavior. In contrast, those with higher self-esteem are less likely to engage in activities that could lead to legal consequences.

Self-esteem provides individuals with a sense of empowerment and confidence. This can translate into a more active and positive participation in social interactions, contributing to a healthier social environment.