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On Interenataional Day Of Wheelchair!

For centuries, wheelchairs have empowered individuals facing illness, injury, or disease, granting them access to the world. This technology, catering to the needs of wheelchair users by providing support, mobility, and freedom, deserves recognition, and that's precisely the essence of International Wheelchair Day.
The origins of this day reach back through centuries, observing the evolution of technology that has opened up better opportunities for millions globally. Examining ancient stone inscriptions in Greece and China, historians suggest that wheelchair-like devices have been in use since at least the sixth century AD.
For over a millennium, these wheeled chairs required assistance from another person for propulsion. It wasn't until the mid-17th century that a young German inventor devised a self-propellable chair, akin to a handbike. Eventually, self-propelled wheelchairs became widespread, offering enhanced independence.
In the 1950s, less than a century ago, power wheelchairs emerged as an option, particularly for veterans who had served and experienced disabilities during WWII. Since then, individuals with "disabilities" have showcased remarkable feats in wheelchairs, participating in activities like basketball, winning races, and even performing backflips.
The inception of International Wheelchair Day dates back to 2008 when British blogger Steve Wilkinson, aka "Wheelchair Steve," envisioned a day dedicated to appreciating and celebrating wheelchair users. Since its founding, the day has expanded, becoming an annual event with activities not only in the UK but also in countries worldwide, including Australia, South Africa, Pakistan, Nepal, the United States, and more.
How to Commemorate International Wheelchair Day
International Wheelchair Day provides an opportunity for wheelchair users to celebrate the positive impact these essential tools bring to their lives. Engage in the day's festivities by exploring the following suggestions:
1. Engage Groups in Wheelchair Day Celebrations
Boost the impact of International Wheelchair Day by involving a broader audience! Schools, businesses, community groups, and individuals can participate by organizing events and activities that foster inclusivity and express special appreciation for wheelchair users.
2. Contribute to a Wheelchair Charity
International Wheelchair Day serves as a poignant reminder of the crucial role wheelchairs play in the lives of millions globally. Whether required temporarily for recovery from injury or surgery, or as part of a broader disability or disease, wheelchairs significantly enhance a person's ability to navigate the world. Regrettably, not everyone in need has access to a wheelchair. In fact, tens of millions of individuals worldwide require wheelchairs but lack the means to acquire one. As a gesture in honor of this day, consider making a donation to assist someone in need.
3. Educate and Spread Awareness about International Wheelchair Day
An impactful way to participate in International Wheelchair Day is by increasing awareness about the occasion. Initiate conversations with friends who use wheelchairs, gaining insights from their experiences, or explore online stories that have been shared to broaden your understanding and appreciation for this day.
Explore these interesting facts about wheelchairs to kickstart your knowledge:
• In 1932, Harry C. Jennings, motivated by a friend with a spinal cord injury, invented the first folding wheelchair. This groundbreaking design significantly enhanced mobility for wheelchair users.
• Wheelchair designs vary to cater to specific needs. Options range from simple manual transport wheelchairs to fully powered chairs with tilting, standing, and reclining features. There are also specialized sports wheelchairs available.
• Heinz Frei from Switzerland set the Guinness World Record for the fastest wheelchair speed in 2011, reaching an impressive 25.25 miles per hour.
• Modern wheelchairs can be personalized for safety, comfort, and convenience. They come equipped with features such as seat cushions, armrests, headrests, and more. Some wheelchairs even incorporate practical additions like phone holders, cup holders, and umbrella holders.
Some more facts:
16th century 
Philip II requests a wheeled chair. Due to gout, this king of Spain was pushed around by a servant in this “invalid chair”.
Self-propelled wheelchair is invented. German watchmaker and 22-year-old paraplegic, Stephen Farffler, invents a chair that functions like a modern handbike.[2]
World’s first motorized wheelchair invented. A London inventor creates the first electric wheelchair but it isn’t produced.
Power wheelchairs become publicly available. Designed by Canadian inventor, George Klein, the electric wheelchair becomes mass produced.