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Career prospects For Persons with Autism and Aspergers


Many people with Asperger's or Autism have unique strengths.  These might include astounding attention to detail, or the interest and ability to focus intently on a specific topic or project. Although symptoms and their severity vary widely, attending college and interacting socially can be tough.  So the majority of young adults with autism spectrum disorder won't make it to college and won't get a job after they graduate.

The job hunt is complicated and tough for the growing number of young people on the autism spectrum. Successful transition from the structured world of school or college to successful employment requires a lot of hard work.

One of the biggest problems trying something new is fear. Long before a student on the ASD spectrum graduates from either high school or college, they need to get work experience while they are still in school. The transition from school to employment should be gradual and not abrupt. They might have zero job skills. And this is wrong. Teaching job skills should start before the student graduates. Dufferent skills can be learnt gradually. Plan a solo trip, or learn to take of a pet or learn gardening or learn to repair something or learn any new life skill. This can help in indepedent living and transitioning. Remember it takes time to develop a skill.

Sell your work and not your personality. Do not avoid job interviews.  

Types of Minds - There are three basic types of specialized minds on the autism spectrum.

Visual Thinker – These people think in photo realistic pictures like Google for images. Some individuals who cannot do algebra can do geometry. Visual thinkers are good at the following occupations:

  • Artist and Graphic Design
  • Industrial Design
  • Architecture
  • Auto Mechanics
  • Drafting
  • Photography
  • Animal Trainer

Pattern Thinkers - These are the individuals who are often good at math and music. Reading may be their area of weakness. Pattern thinking is a more abstract form of visual thinking. They think in patterns instead of pictures. Some good occupations for pattern thinkers are:

  • Scientific Researcher
  • Statistics - data mining
  • Engineering
  • Music
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Programming
  • Chemistry

Word Fact Thinkers - These are the individuals who know all the facts about their favorite things such as movie stars or baseball players. History is often a favorite subject. They are NOT visual thinkers and they are often poor in art. The following careers would be good choices:

  • Journalist - Blogger
  • Librarian
  • Record Keeping Jobs
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Bookkeeping
  • Speech Therapist

Remember It is Never Too Late to Start - start one small job at a time. The first task is learning time management and showing up for work on time.